16th International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (ICSET)

2nd and 3rd April, 2018 | VIT, Vellore


Submission of Papers

Paper Format: MS Word Document, Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 spaced, 1" inch margin on all sides, figures & tables in appropriate places.
Registration of at least one author is mandatory to present the paper. Participation certificate will be given to all registered participants.

Dates to Remember

Key Dates Activity
18-03-2018 Last date for submission of abstract/paper
19-03-2018 Notification of acceptance through mail
24-03-2018 Last date for registration
02-04-2018 & 03-04-2018 Conference dates

16th International conference on Science, Engineering, and Technology
Organized by
School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCOPE)
VIT, Vellore - 632 014.